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Whether you are a professional carpenter or contractor, or a home hobbyist and DIY kind of person, a circular saw always comes in handy. After all, it can be used for許多不同的任務。這裏的問題是你是否應該得到一個有線或無繩的問題。

Below, let’s do a side by side comparison to figure out which is the better option for you.


The main advantage that corded circular saws bring to the table is the fact that you never have to worry about the batteries dying. Now, this might not be a big deal if you just need to make a few cuts here and there. However, if you are a professional or working on a big project, and you need to make lots of cuts all day long, then a corded circular saw comes in really handy.


The other main benefit of corded circular saws is that they generally have more power than the cordless variety. Moreover, when cordless saws begin to die (when their batteries start to run out), they lose a lot of their power, and this means that they aren’t ideal for heavy-duty applications.



The Main Advantage of Cordless Circular Saws

當談到無繩電圓鋸,梅n advantage has to do with portability. With a corded circular saw, you do always have to make sure that you have a power outlet nearby or a super long extension cord to plug into a far-off power supply. While this is great for getting a never-ending power supply, it does also limit you.


The other main advantage that you get with battery-powered circular saws is that depending on the brand and make, the battery required for the saw will also work with many other tools from that same brand. Many brands have cross-compatible battery-powered tools, where a single battery can be used for dozens of power tools. That is a pretty big advantage no doubt.






Now, although the battery doesn’t weigh a huge amount, you can expect it to weigh about a pound. Therefore, corded circular saws are easier to hold and easier to use for a longer period of time without fatiguing. They’re a fair bit lighter in weight, and this quite the advantage, especially if you need to use your saw all day long.



This point is related to the previous one, the simple fact of the matter is that cordless circular saws are a bit heavier and larger than corded circular saws. Of course, this makes cordless saws a bit harder to use, particularly over extended periods of time.


Of course, the flipside of that is that with a corded saw you always have to watch the cable and make sure you don’t cut through it.




Second, in terms of the overall lifespan, keep in mind that batteries don’t last forever. Most power tool batteries can function for 500 to 800 cycles. This means that eventually, they just won’t hold a charge anymore, and the battery will need to be replaced. It’s a problem that corded circular saws don’t face.


A big advantage that you get with cordless circular saws, if you get the right one, is that you might be able to use that same battery for a variety of tools, potentially dozens or even hundreds of them. Some brands have special battery systems where a single battery is cross-compatible with many different tools. Therefore, all you need to operate these tools is a single battery, or maybe a couple of them if you are worried about the battery dying.




There are more materials and more advanced technology involved with cordless saws, and due to the fact that many people consider them to be so convenient, they end up being a fair bit more costly than the corded variety.


Which One to Get?

In terms of a final decision, it’s really a matter of personal preference and needs. If you need a saw to make a few relatively small cuts here and there, and you don’t want to have to worry about plugging it in, then the cordless variety is probably best.




如果您需要一些幫助選擇正確的模型,check my guide to the best circular saws