5 Types of Pry Bars and Their Uses

Types of Pry Bars and Their Uses

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這是Pry Bar可以特別方便的地方。雖然這些長金屬工具通過許多其他名稱進行了許多,但它們的一般功能大致相同。撬欄可以為您提供增強的杠杆,特別是在拆除深層釘或迫使兩個物體上時。

There are numerous types of pry bar available to professionals and DIYers alike today. This guide will take you through each type and explain the several situations where that type of pry bar can really come in handy.

5 Types of Pry Bars


然而,值得注意的是,所有這些撬bar types may also be identified by the tool’s many colloquial names. These include the following: crowbar, pinch bar, prize bar, jimmy bar, gooseneck, and pig’s foot.

Wrecking Bar

Wrecking Bar隨著名稱建議,沒有為複雜任務製造具有兩個彎曲端的長金屬工具。相反,一個破壞的酒吧旨在實現釘子拉動和楔形工作的有效工作。

To that end, a wrecking bar user can accomplish the former using the U-curved end of this tool, while the tapered end can be used to accomplish the latter.

Wrecking bars also tend to be large and made from hexagonal stock to provide plenty of grip and leverage when removing nails.



To be specific, a ripping chisel features one U-curved side like its wrecking bar cousin. However, a ripping chisel’s tapered wedge end has been rotated 90 degrees and flattened further.





As you’d expect, the flat bar is also a descent nail puller. To that end, both ends of this tool feature a V-shaped divot that can be used to secure a nail prior to applying upward pressure to it.


Claw Bar

Claw Bar在大多數工作地點,爪子欄少景觀。但即便如此,這個工具又擅自擅自刺穿楔入在一塊木材表麵下方的指甲。


As noted, the claw bar is one of the few pry bar types that are not really made for prying. As such, this handheld tool should not be used for that purpose lest the user risk injuring themselves or those working around them.

Molding Bar

Molding Bar當談到使用成型或裝飾時,您有時需要更精致的工具來防止裂縫中的木材。

A molding bar steps up to that protective task, especially in situations where a standard flat bar would be too wide. To accomplish this primary function, a molding bar provides a thin, flat end with a divot that is sized for trim nails.


Meanwhile, this tool’s opposite end provides a cat’s claw that can be used to grasp onto slightly larger nails. Though it is not an intended function of the tool, some contractors also use this end as a striking surface in a pinch.


PRY BAR與撬棍:(怎麼樣)他們是不同的嗎?


“PRY BAR”可以參考上麵列出的任何工具,具體取決於您的工作現場上可用的工具。同時,最常見的是“撬棍”專門是指故障的欄。但是,“撬棍”也是一個廣義術語,可以與此工具的其他口語名稱互換使用。



Despite their fairly simple function, there are numerous types of pry bars available today. Each of these sub-types excels when it comes to performing a certain function or operating in a certain space that a standard wrecking bar can’t handle.
