What Is Resawing and How to Do It

What Is Resawing and How to Do It

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Having your own arsenal of woodworking tools is really awesome, especially if you know what their uses are and how to use them. That said, there are many types of sawing to be familiar with. If you are just getting into the world of woodworking and carpentry, one term you might have heard is “resawing.”

如果你不知道它意味著什麼 - 或者如果你不知道該怎麼辦 - 你已經到了正確的地方。在本文中,我將潛入這種技術的細節。

What is Resawing?

The technical definition of resawing is “the process of cutting the wood across the thickness and along the length to produce two thinner slabs of wood.”


In terms of picturing this, imagine a 2 x 6 standing on its side, so that the 2-inch measurement is flat on the ground along the length of the lumber, with the 6-inch width of the board facing upwards vertically. To make a resaw cut, you would stand this board on its side and then cut along the length through the 6-inch width, which will effectively reduce the thickness of the board. So, if you resawed the board halfway through its thickness, if you started out with a single 2 x 6, you would end up with two 1 x 6 boards.

Resawing vs. Ripping: What’s the Difference?



So, with a resaw cut, the blade passes through one side of the board to the other, slicing off thin sections along the length to reduce the overall thickness of it.


當它歸結為此時,您可以使用兩個工具選擇來配合木材。您可以使用的兩種選擇是the bandsaw and the table saw。帶鋸s feature a long and thin blade that moves in a single and continuous direction. Here, the blade is literally one very long and serrated band. On the other hand, a table saw features a circular blade that protrudes up through a work table.

Generally speaking, the best tool for this application is the bandsaw, and this is true for two main reasons. First off, while table saws do work fine for resawing lumber, the blade can only protrude so high out of the table, usually no more than 2 or 3 inches, which means that table saws can only resaw lumber that is not very wide.

However, with a bandsaw, you can adjust the spacing between the arm and the table, or in other words, the length of the blade, to be much longer than with a table saw. With a bandsaw, you may be able to resaw lumber that is up to a foot wide, or even wider.





出於本指南的目的,我們將使用2 x 6英寸的板。也就是說,您可以遵循幾乎任何板的完全相同的過程。

Step 1: Measure

首先,您想標記和衡量您計劃的木材。所以,在這種情況下,這是我們的2 x 6板。為了保持基本的基礎,在這裏我們將製作1英寸的副交傷切割,這將使單個2 x 6變成兩個1 x 6板。


Step 2: Set the Fence and Prepare the Saw

綁帶上的圍欄將幫助您留在軌道上。這就是木材通過刀片移動時休息的東西。所以,如果你在兩個1 x 6板中轉向2 x 6,你會把圍欄設置為1英寸,因為這是剪切原始件的多少。

Also, when you are adjusting the saw, make sure that you only expose enough of the blade to make the cut. So, if the board is 6 inches wide, set the blade to just over 6 inches – just wide enough for the lumber in question. Otherwise, you will risk damaging the blade and hurting yourself.


Step 3: Power Up the Saw and Cut

For resawing, turn on your bandsaw to a moderate speed (it doesn’t need to be too fast), and rest the lumber against the fence. The aim here is obviously to push that board through the bandsaw blade along its thickness, along the line you marked in the first step.


Once you push your board through completely, you are done with the process.


How to Resaw with a Table Saw


The process is more or less the same as with a bandsaw.

Step 1: Measure

Mark a line down the thickness of the board using the appropriate tools. Measure how much of the lumber you want to saw off using this resaw cut, and make the appropriate markings.

Unlike with a bandsaw, you might want to mark both sides of the cut since you might have to flip the board to cut through it completely.

Step 2: Set the Fence and Blade Height


However, keep in mind that with a table saw, you won’t be able to resaw a board that is 6 inches wide easily, maybe 3 inches at the most (depending on the specific table saw). For anything more than that, you would need to flip the board around as mentioned in Step 1. That results in more complexity and less accurate results, though.


Step 3: Power Up the Saw and Cut



Using a Table Saw for Resawing



  • 在扶手時,始終使用推杆,因為它對手指更安全。
  • 在爭論時,永遠不要在任何分心。這是一種需要大量濃度的切割。
  • Never wear long sleeves or have loose long hair around these kinds of saws.
  • 在使用任何類型的鋸時,始終佩戴適當的眼睛保護。
  • 突破一個薄於1英寸的東西將是一個挑戰,需要最大的關注。


如您所見,Bandsaws和Table Saws都很好。

也就是說,帶鋸是更好的選擇it can handle much wider lumber without too much complexity. Whichever choice you go with, always remember to take your time and take care when using power saws.