How to Cut Bricks with an Angle Grinder

How to Cut Bricks with an Angle Grinder

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Is an Angle Grinder the Right Tool for Cutting Bricks?






  1. 削減磚塊最常見的方法之一是使用磚鑿和錘子。磚鑿子是一種特殊的鑿子,具有鋒利且耐用的邊緣,足夠寬,可以立即切割整個磚塊。所有你所要做的就是把鑿子放在磚上,然後用錘子擊中它。這應該將磚塊分成兩半。
  2. 減少磚的另一個方法是使用任何type of circular saw。這可以是手持式圓鋸,桌子鋸,斜切鋸,甚至是混凝土鋸,如果需要。如果使用循環鋸,唯一要記住的是你確實需要合適的刀片。具體來說,鑽石砌體刀片是您需要此任務的。


What we want to do right now is to take you through a step-by-step process on how to cut bricks using an angle grinder.


Keep in mind that cutting bricks with any kind of power tool is going to produce a whole lot of dust and debris, so you want to do this outdoors, and you want to do it away from any open windows or doors.



步驟2:馬rk Your Cut



Of course, you do need the right kind of blade for the job, so at this point, you want to attach either a 60 grit or an 80 grit masonry blade or diamond cut-off blade to your grinder. Make sure that the blade in question is rated as the right size and speed for the angle grinder in question. Remember that using a disk that is not ideal for the size and speed of your grinder is extremely dangerous.

At this point, you also want to adjust the guard to the optimal position so that it can block you from flying debris.




All that is left to do now is turn you to make the cut. Turn the angle grinder on and let it run at full speed, hold it at a 90-degree angle to the brick, and then start making the cut. The blade on your angle grinder should be fast and powerful enough to make the cut without you having to apply much pressure.

You just have to apply a very small amount of pressure to make sure that the disc penetrates the brick, and the angle grinder should then do the rest of the work for you. Just make the cut as you normally would with anything else.




Lastly, here are some tips to make the job easier and safer:

  • 當用角度研磨機切割磚時,請務必始終佩戴必要的個人防護設備
  • 永遠不要使用暗沉或損壞的切割盤,因為這造成了嚴重的受傷風險
  • If you have to apply way too much pressure, then it is likely that your cutting disc is not ideal for the job at hand


Now that you know how to easily cut bricks with an angle grinder, any brickwork that you do should be much faster and easier.